Safelypay Marketplace Shipping
As Safelypay Marketplace, we have strategic partner stores in different locations helping us render services to our customers. When a customer purchases on any of our platforms, it is most recommended to order from a store approximately 5 to 10 minutes away from them as we use “Uber Connect” to ship orders to customers. Ordering from a store near you (customer) will ensure shipping costs are kept at bare minimum which is about R35 (in South Africa). However no one is restricted to buy a little far from their location – especially if the specific item(s) is not found nearby.
After placing an order, customer can click a “Order-Update” button to check progress. The Order number will be required to fulfill the request on our chat system.
The store will pick and package the order and inform the customer while in progress. Once done, it is the responsibility of the store to order “Uber-Connect” to pick up stock for delivery and to inform the customer of delivery cost – upfront, to allow the customer an opportunity to come collect the order if the cost is deemed too high, or for any reason or any circumstance the customer may encounter – preventing us delivering. It is the responsibility of the customer to make sure there is someone at the gate to receive the order within reasonable time.
The customer will have to pay “Uber Connect” services separately from the delivered order. Payment is accepted in cash or by swiping on their card machine. We currently do not accept online payment for shipping. Shipping is handled separately by Uber.
We offer these shipping services in line with Uber Connect Terms And Condition as may be found herein detail.